Interview with Bike Fit specialist

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview OSR’s Bike Fit specialist, Stephanie Winters. Here is what I learned!


Question: I hear that you do Bike Fit. How is this different than what the bike
store provides?
Answer: That is a great questions.  A lot of bike shops offer
bike sizing to make sure when you buy your bike it is the right size.
They will then make adjustments based on normals and a good look.  A
problem with this is that even the smallest adjustment can make a huge
difference in causing or preventing injury.  The Bike Fit we offer at
OSR takes an in-depth look at the foot/pedal interface, seat and
handlebars.  We make on the spot adjustments based on normal values,
your strength, comfort and injury history.  We will also adjust things
based on your riding style.

Question: Is Bike Fit just for Triathletes
and competitive cyclists?
Answer: Bike Fit really is for every type of biker.
We have fit iron-mans, triathletes, mountain bikers, road bikers,
recreational users and even bikers who just go to spin class at their
local health club.  The goal of Bike Fit is to increase performance,
increase comfort and minimize injury.

Question: How can Bike Fit help me
with injury prevention or rehabilitation?
Answer: We can make adjustments
based on your body and current or past injuries.  We spend the majority
of the time on the foot/pedal interface.  Over the course of a ride your
legs will take 10,000 to 50,000 or more revolutions.  If the way your
foot hits the pedal is off that will cause a lot of damage.

Question: Can Bike Fit improve my speed?
Answer: We sure hope to.  On average our patients
have seen an increase of 3mph on rides after their Bike Fit.