Summer Eating Tips

It is that time of year where you will have a graduation party, or 6
this weekend, get together next weekend and a wedding the weekend after

How can you stay on track, eat well and still have a good time?  Is it even possible?

Well sure it is, it will take some will power, some saying NO, some
limiting of portions, but I promise you will feel better come labor day
weekend if you follow these tips!

  • Pre Eat!
    • Have a high protein, low carb snack or meal before you go, that way
      you don’t have to eat while you are there or at least you will not be
      starving when you get there.
  • Pick alcohol or desserts
    • If your looking for a way to limit calories and still taste the good
      things let yourself have some, but either alcohol or desserts, not
  • Bring healthy proteins and vegetables
    • If it is a potluck bring a protein packed dish to share!  That way
      you will have something to eat and actually know what is in it.
  • Pack healthy snacks
    • If your not sure what is on the menu pack some jerky, nuts and/or
      protein powder.  They will keep all day and help you feel full if you
      avoid the buffet line.
  • Only take 1 plate
    • This will make you pick and choose between options so if you don’t pick healthy things at least you didn’t eat 4 servings.
  • Only eat what is on your plate
    • You can consume a ton of extra calories by just picking at things
      while you talk with others in the kitchen.  Limit your eating to what is
      on your plate so you are at least conscious about what you are putting
      in your mouth.
  • Leave some food on your plate
    • A easy way to limit calories is to leave some food on your plate,
      share a plate of food with someone else or put food on your plate and
      don’t let it touch.  You can fit a ton of food even on just one plate.
  • Limit alcohol if your around food
    • We all know that after a few drinks the food just keeps entering
      your mouth.  If your going to enjoy your alcohol do it away from foods
      you can continue to snack on.
  • Dress up
    • If your wearing a little black dress you wont want to eat too much
      for fear your bloat up.  If you wear baggy clothing its easier to eat,
      and eat, and eat.
  • Help with clean up
    • It will keep your hands busy and away from continuing to eat.  You might even burn some calories! 
  • Use the event as your “cheat”
    • Eat really good in the weeks, days and hours leading up to the
      event.  It will also help shrink your stomach so you can only eat so
  • Gum
    • It can really be your friend at events.  It keeps a great taste in
      your mouth and some foods just do not taste the same after gum.
  • Focus on friends and the event, not the food
    • When dining in a group people tend to eat 44% more calories than
      they would if they were dining alone.  Try to focus on conversations and
      the company versus the food/drink being consumed.
  • Workout
    • If you know it will be bad and there is no way around it, get a good workout in at least before the event. 
I hope you learned a thing or two and are ready to make good choices this summer!