4 Benefits Of Walking For Exercise

Military-based training, Circuit training, Crossfit, Insanity – these are all hardcore workouts with definite proven results for those that can survive it. However, these workouts are for the already extreme fit. These workouts – along with other hardcore sports such as marathons, Iron Mans, and obstacle courses – are not designed for those who are looking to get fit or stay fit, lose weight, or simply stay healthy. Besides, the injury rate is high for those that have the stamina and desire to put their body through it, which happens to be a small percentage of physically active adults. Other than staying in shape and losing weight, the benefits of walking are many.

1. It Reduces Stress

One of the biggest benefits of walking is that it reduces stress. Running and other forms of physical exercise have also been linked to stress reduction. However, although these high-intensity workouts may reduce mental and emotional stress, they tend to put more stress on the body. If you’re already mentally stressed out, the added physical stress could lead to more stress and even injury. While walking provides the some of the same benefits as high-intensity workouts, it doesn’t add the same amount of physical stress. This means you can work out and relax your mood while still exercising and receiving the happy drug – endorphins.

2. Major Benefit Of Walking – You Can Lose Weight

Experts suggest walking 30 minutes a day to reap all the benefits. One of the biggest benefits is losing weight in a healthy and easy way. Researchers found that women who ate a healthy diet and walked for an hour a day lost weight and were able to maintain that loss. Whether you’re looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, simply by walking every day you can succeed.

3. Provides Health Benefits

According to studies, those who walk regularly had fewer heart attacks, lower blood pressure, and lower cholesterol compared to those who were physically inactive. Furthermore, there’s even speculation that walking may help protect against dementia as it improves cerebral blood flow. Walking has been proven to also lower your risk of heart disease and increase your overall heart health.

4. Helps Reduce Pain And Prevent Injury

Since walking is a low-intensity workout, it can not only reduce pain but also prevent injury. Research shows that walking every day for at least one hour has helped reduce that pain of arthritis sufferers. Furthermore, it’s one of the best ways to remain fit if you’re currently recovering from an injury.