Monthly Archives: May 2018

Parents: Here’s How to Prevent a Child’s Injury

As parents, we want nothing but the best for our children. We encourage them to play sports as part of their healthy childhood development. We push them to excel in school and academics. As a parent, you want nothing more than to see your child succeed and whatever he or she is doing and to […]

Injury Prevention 101

Every single person who is physically active wishes for one thing – to remain injury-free. Even if you’re not as physically active as you should be, you probably fear an oncoming injury if you start working out. Although you cannot prevent all injuries 100% of the time, there are certain steps you can take to […]

How to Avoid Muscle Soreness

It’s no secret that muscles go through a lot of stress when we work out. Especially if we’re starting a new type of workout or working new muscles, soreness, and tightness can occur both immediately after or 24-48 hours after a workout. There are two types of muscle soreness: (1) pain during or immediately after a […]

What is Mobility and Why Does it Matter?

Whether you’re an athlete, weekend warrior, just beginning, or looking to stay physically active; whether you’re young, in the prime years of your life, or heading into older age, muscle, strength, endurance, and movement are probably what you think about most. If you’re a young athlete, your priority is building or maintaining a fitness level […]