Monthly Archives: February 2018

What is the Best Way to Excersise?

Whether you’re an athlete, seriously physically active, or just into light exercising, you might have always wondered about the best exercises to do. Is there a single best workout or exercise for overall health? “What’s one thing I can do for the rest of my life that will keep me healthy?” is what many people […]

Does Good Posture Matter?

We probably all heard the saying growing up to stand up straight or sit up straight. The reasons given were often, “You look like a slouch if you don’t sit right”; or “You’ll be more productive.” Granted, there is some truth to those reasons – indeed, slouching often begets negative judgments from onlookers, and studies […]

Ice Vs Heat: When to Use Each One

Using ice and heat for therapy is an easy way to care for your injury or manage your pain at home. However, there’s a lot of confusion as to when to use ice vs. heat for injuries and pain. Also known as cryotherapy and thermotherapy, both of these therapies are excellent ways to reduce inflammation […]

RICE Treatment: Are You Doing it Right?

When you roll your ankle or strain your knee, chances are the first thing you’ll reach for is the ice pack. It’s common knowledge now that when you’re in pain, you should probably rest, ice the affected area, and even elevate it. Called the RICE treatment, it’s been used for decades to treat injuries, pain, […]