Monthly Archives: December 2018

Backpack Safety Tips To Avoid Pain

We’ve come a long way as a society to prevent unnecessary pain and injuries in children. We take greater care in their sports health. We ensure they’re not overdoing it in sports. And we do all we can to protect them during games. One thing we always forget to include when it comes to injury […]

How Strengthening Exercises Help Prevent Injuries

Unloading Stress Helps Prevent Injuries One of the major causes of injuries is overtaxing and overworking muscles. Even the fittest athletes can end up injured due to overworking a particular muscle. This isn’t always due to overtraining either. Many times it can be due to undertraining, improper training, or – more precisely – not strengthening […]

Physical Therapy Vs Surgery: Which Should You Choose?

Jane wasn’t a highly competitive athlete in her youth but physical activity and fitness were priorities throughout her entire life. She loved being able to strap on her tennis shoes and go for a run in the spring, or pull out her bike and head out for a ride in the summer. In the wintertime, […]

How Physical Therapy Helps With Pain Management

“Pain is weakness leaving the body.” “No pain, no gain.” We hear these phrases often in response to being in pain as if living with pain every day is expected and normal. Granted, not one of us will go through life completely pain-free. However, this doesn’t mean that if you’re in pain you just ignore […]

Four Rules For Family Summer Safety

Ah! It’s finally the time of year when the snow has melted, the cold weather has headed out of town, and Ole’ Man Winter is nowhere to be seen. Snow blowers are replaced with lawnmowers; shovels are replaced with grills; snowsuits are traded in for swimsuits. While the fear of slipping and falling on ice […]