Tag Archives: hip pain

Common Injuries With Hip Pain

If you’re an athlete, then you’re probably no stranger to pain. You put your body through the wringer every day at practice and training. From normal muscle usage soreness to outright acute injuries, you almost expect pain as an athlete. It seems like a normal part of playing sports. Indeed, sports can lead to much pain […]

3 Things You Can Do If You Have Hip Bursitis

If you’re a runner or participate in running-oriented sports like soccer and football, then chances are you’ve had some hip pain in some form. Maybe it hasn’t been painful enough to make you deal with it. Yet, leaving hip pain untreated can lead to more serious injury. More importantly, however, it can prevent you from […]

Comeback Athlete: Swimmer Beats Back Hip Injury

When you think of swimming, you don’t typically think of the role hips play. Granted, pain in the lower extremities, such as a hip injury, caused by swimming is quite uncommon in the sport. However, the hips and legs play a crucial role in swimming biomechanics and pain can make it difficult to swim correctly. […]