Tag Archives: safety tips

Backpack Safety Tips To Avoid Pain

We’ve come a long way as a society to prevent unnecessary pain and injuries in children. We take greater care in their sports health. We ensure they’re not overdoing it in sports. And we do all we can to protect them during games. One thing we always forget to include when it comes to injury […]

Four Rules For Family Summer Safety

Ah! It’s finally the time of year when the snow has melted, the cold weather has headed out of town, and Ole’ Man Winter is nowhere to be seen. Snow blowers are replaced with lawnmowers; shovels are replaced with grills; snowsuits are traded in for swimsuits. While the fear of slipping and falling on ice […]

How to Avoid Gardening Pain

For Minnesotans, there’s nothing like being outdoors. In fact, despite the cold weather, Minnesota still tops the nation when it comes to being physically active – even outdoors. Biking, running, hunting, fishing, hiking, and anything done on a lake contribute to us having one of the lowest rates of cardiovascular deaths in the US. And, even […]