Tag Archives: Physical Therapy

Common Injuries With Hip Pain

If you’re an athlete, then you’re probably no stranger to pain. You put your body through the wringer every day at practice and training. From normal muscle usage soreness to outright acute injuries, you almost expect pain as an athlete. It seems like a normal part of playing sports. Indeed, sports can lead to much pain […]

3 Things You Can Do If You Have Hip Bursitis

If you’re a runner or participate in running-oriented sports like soccer and football, then chances are you’ve had some hip pain in some form. Maybe it hasn’t been painful enough to make you deal with it. Yet, leaving hip pain untreated can lead to more serious injury. More importantly, however, it can prevent you from […]

How To Avoid Muscle Loss As You Age

Most of us think of muscle loss happening when we’re in our 70s and 80s – the time of life when frailty and lack of independence overtake us. Indeed, although we feel invincible in our younger years, muscle loss will happen to us all. It’s only a matter of time. And, unfortunately for some of […]

Experiancing Pain While Texting? It Could be Quervain’s

In 2018, Americans sent on average 27 billion texts per day. Yes, you read that right. On average, we as a nation send almost 30 billion texts per day, which equals out to about 94 texts per day per person. There were also 281 billion more emails sent worldwide. That’s a lot of typing and texting. With […]

Smart Tips For Staying Active In Aging

It’s true: Aging means changing some things in your life. As your body starts to feel the toll of all the years of use and abuse from sports, you might not feel like a spring chicken anymore. Your days of feeling invincible may be numbered and your body may not be as forgiving as when […]

Winter Biking Safety Tips

The Twin Cities has one of the most active populations in the country. It’s something we’re proud of because even in the wintertime, our outdoor physical activities do not slow down. While the rest of the country trades the trails and roads for a treadmill or stationary bike, we strap on the skis and fat […]

Text Neck: Yes It’s Real!

It’s no secret that people spend more time on their phones texting and using the Internet than using it as an actual phone. At first, it seemed only beneficial – to send off quick messages at the drop of a hat or look something up quickly on the Internet. But, no one anticipated just how […]

6 Busted Myths About Concussions

How often do you find yourself searching on the Internet for medical information? A lot? You’re not alone, as witnessed by the rise of such sites as Web MD that seem to have all the answers to every medical problem. And, even if most of the information is reliable, a lot goes unsaid and is […]

A Good Night’s Sleep Is Crucial In Concussion Recovery

For years, parents were told to keep their children awake after sustaining a suspected concussion. This was due to a lack of knowledge on life-threatening brain bleeds, which can now be detected by a CT scan. Furthermore, less than 0.1% of concussions result in brain bleeds. Most head injuries for children, teens, and athletes are […]

Gait Training: Preventing Injury Through Your Feet

Our poor feet. They’re usually the last thing we think about at the end of the day, but they’re probably the most used and abused part of our bodies. From wearing unsupportive shoes like high heels and flip-flops to placing more stress and pressure on them from high-impact sports, your feet can be the unnoticed […]