Yeah OK. You hear it from your coach, your trainer, your friend, your neighbor down the street, maybe even your doctor. You need to have a strong core. Yes, you need a strong for exercise performance. But, did you know there are everyday benefits to a strong core and it’s even a necessity?
Most people think of core strength and automatically assume it’s only for athletes. However, your core is not just your powerhouse during those plank holds and box jumps. It’s your powerhouse all the time. Having a strong core is essential to moving more easily and to staying pain and injury-free. It’s your foundation and the strongest connection between your upper and lower body. This means every movement requires your core to engage as every motion, regardless of its target or where it starts, uses both the upper and lower body.
You may think that even a simple bicep curl engages only your arm muscles. Although it’s the arms that are moving, you need your legs to steady yourself if you’re standing or your core to hold you upright if you’re sitting. In either case, a weak core prevents you from freely and efficiently moving your body. Ultimately, a weak core means less functionality, mobility, and stability.
A Strong Core Aids You In Everyday Tasks
Yes, even as simple of a task as tying shoes requires a strong core. Granted, you don’t need a six-pack of abs to get the task done. However, you do engage your core muscles in even the simplest and most mundane tasks of everyday life. Since you have to engage your core muscles to move – and, by the way, you should even be engaging your core muscles to sit properly – you need core strength. Without core strength, those mundane tasks are what leads to pain, usually in the back. Even sitting without engaging your core can lead to pain in the body – anywhere from the shoulder down to the knees. A strong core helps you get dressed more easily, stand better, and walk more effortlessly. Without it, you may be heading towards or already living a life of pain.
Avoiding Work-Related Injuries
Strains, sprains, and pain, especially in the back, are common work-related injuries and complaints. Most of the time, these can be avoided, or you can at least lower your risk by having a strong core and engaging it when moving. Such on-the-job tasks as lifting boxes off of the floor, reaching for something on the top shelf, twisting, and standing for long periods require you to engage your core. If your core is weak, these tasks that are otherwise fairly easy become difficult and even painful.
Doing Chores
Have you ever met someone who enjoys doing housework – vacuuming, bending over to scrub toilets and tubs, doing laundry? Not very many people can say they love doing chores. However, house chores probably wouldn’t be so terrible if we just learned to engage our core while doing them. Using your core while doing chores makes the movement easier, which in turn, makes the chore, well, less of a chore. To engage your core effectively, however, to aid you in your chores, you need a strong core.
The Benefits Of Core Strength
From housework to rigorous squat jumps, core strength is necessary to make the movements easier and more efficient. You shouldn’t be making your body work harder than it needs to be working. However, with a weak core, you’re putting more stress on your muscles that have to pick up the slack. The best part is that core exercises can be done at home with virtually no equipment. An even bigger benefit is that when you work your core during exercise, you’re also training the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, and hips, which can aid further in everyday tasks and movement.